
About Us

CRYOVAC shrink film was originally produced by the United States Ji Lishi 5-26 layer made of cross-linked high-end POF shrink film. US Ji Lishi company is the earlier production of high-end POF shrink film factory, one of the international, later renamed as a result of the overall sale after the Greek Air Corporation Sealed Air. Because it holds the cross-linked multilayer coextrusion technology, it can blow shrinkage rose more than 80%, and the shrinkage of the film thickness can be done up to 0.006mm (ie 0.6C thick), which makes CRYOVAC shrink film toughness more well, higher shrinkage, better resolution, and by a higher demand for quality and willing to spend manufacturers of all ages.

Yu Sheng combined company in 1995 began to promote the use of the film to a number of foreign-funded enterprises, when there are no POF shrink film production line, the introduction of Italy until 1997 production line in Tianjin, China began to produce three-layer POF shrink film. Currently Heyu Sheng Acting Company Sealed Air's Seoul more Greek CRYOVAC shrink film and promote supporting the automatic L-sealer, widely used in cosmetics and financial sectors.